
 In May this year, Prime Minister Abbott and the federal  coalition  government showed their  true colours to  the Australian people as they  handed down the most  unfair, damaging, misleading  and socially divisive budget this country  has seen. While Mr Abbott arrogantly continues  to tell us  this is  what we  need, leaders from across all sectors…


I wish  to exercise my right of  reply as the person who  moved  this very important motion on the unemployment crisis in this state in the last  parliamentary  sitting  week.  What have we learnt since that time, which was only  some  10 days ago? We have learnt  that  25 jobs have gone from the Target …

Auditor-General: Access to Legal Aid

This evening I wish to make some comments on the Auditor-General’s  report tabled on 20 August in relation to access to legal aid. While the Auditor-General is complimentary of Victoria  Legal Aid (VLA) for its  performance  in this  dire  financial environment, he  warns  that limiting eligibility criteria in order to achieve financial  sustainability  has  serious…

Youth Unemployment

My adjournment matter this evening is for the Premier, and it relates to the youth unemployment  rates  in  rural and regional Victoria. It  is no surprise that this is a major issue confronting youth  right across the  state  but particularly in  rural and regional Victoria.  Indeed the unemployment rate in the Premier’s electorate of South-West…