Health Funding

Barely a week goes by without an  article in one of the  regional  newspapers in  my  electorate of Western  Victoria  Region detailing  the  Napthine government’s complete  and utter failure  to maintain a first-class  health system  in  Victoria. Whether  it  is hospital  wait  times, failure to provide the promised 800 hospital beds, crowded emergency departments or…

Country Fire Authority Warrnambool Brigade

My adjournment matter this evening is for the Minister  for Emergency  Services in  the other place. It is in relation  to the Country Fire Authority  (CFA) Warrnambool brigade. A little over four  years ago the  Brumby  government  allocated  a  firefighting  pumper   to  the  specially customised Warrnambool fire  station to assist in firefighting in the south-west…